What to do with a parts car once it is stripped?

gran racing

Super Moderator
Well, I have a parts car that I am soon going to take out the pieces I think I could use some day. (Doors, engine, and other goodies) What do I do with it once it is stripped? From my past experiences, the junk yard won't want it because there is very little to salvage.

Do I have to pay someone to take it? I'm sure I could tow it to a scrap yard, ect.

One of my neighbor's friend told me I should just park it on their lawn.

No answers here. I'm in the same boat and want to add to the question. My parts car won't have wheels/tires/hubs etc, so it'll be tough for me to move.

How much non-bolt-on sheet metal should I keep? Should I cut off and save quarter panels and roof "just in case"? I'm planning to cut up whatever I don't want and haul it away in my pickup - either to a scrapyard or the landfill.


Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
A friend of mine just had a non-rolling hulk taken away by a local salvage yard for free. They came out with a rollback and picked it up. They their winch to it and dragged it up on the rollback being very certain that they were not responsible for damage to the pavement. I have a parts car in my driveway in the same situation though this unibody is AWESOME. so much better than my racecar started. I hate to part with it.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
I know all the yards out here require a title if you want to junk a car, even if it's a stripped shell (especially?). If you can't get it hauled away, get yourself some good metal-cutting sawzall blades and go to town! I've cut up two cars and taken them to the local scrap yard.

MARRS #25 ITB Rabbit GTI (sold) | MARRS #25 HProd Rabbit
SCCA 279608
call the scrap metal yards in your phonebood (if there are any) and see what they say. Around here there is one that will actually pay you (less than $100) if you bring it to them without battery, A/C and fuel tank. You must have a title.
We actually torched a crashed shell up into small enough pieces that we put it into the dumpster in the industrial park where we rented space - over a couple of weeks, of couse...

Originally posted by C. Ludwig:
... I have a parts car in my driveway in the same situation though this unibody is AWESOME. so much better than my racecar started. I hate to part with it.
Want another one?

I hate to trash it, but it's too far stripped to be of any use for a new IT buildup - it would only work to replace a totaled car. Would someone building an E-Prod car want it?

I know it won't work out to store it outside, and I need the space inside.

Marty Doane
ITS RX7 #13
CenDiv WMR
Tim's old IT car went to the metal scrapyard in pieces. We didn't have a title for it so we didn't have many other options (legal options that is).

We stripped a car this spring on the trailer and brought it to another junkyard on its belly, they just lifted it off the trailer. Needed a title for that one.

Originally posted by Knestis:
We actually torched a crashed shell up into small enough pieces that we put it into the dumpster in the industrial park where we rented space - over a couple of weeks, of couse...

I believe that crime is called "theft of services". However, I'm guilty for past transgressions in the past too...
For moving my part car shell (no suspension at all) I just put some pipe pieces (left over from my awning) under the rocker panel pinch seams and the wife and I pushed it onto the trailer. Just the 2 of us.

Getting it off the trailer (into a field for storage) by myself was easy too. The pipes made it easy to get it to the end of the ramp and then I hooked a tie-down strap between the shell and a nearby tree and drove the trailer out from under it.


[This message has been edited by PDoane (edited December 29, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by PDoane (edited December 29, 2003).]
I am lucky in this aspect...we have a junk yard a stone's throw from my father's shop, so he will take any scrap car he can from us, loaded with as much steel as possible (he gets paid by the pound).

HOWEVER, prior to giving him the last car and before filling it with steel, we found it fun to raise it up with the forklift ~30 feet in the air, and then just drop it...I have never laughed so hard in my life.

I kept picturing Jeff Foxworthy saying, "You might be a redneck if family entertainment is defined as dropping a car from a forklift"
<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">What do I do with it once it is stripped?</font>

Drag it to downtown Hartford. It'll fit right in and get taken away within 48 hours...

I should do that with my Bronco that I'm trying to sell...

Actually, that's how I kinda got started in racing. Our car got stolen (in Hartford) and a bunch of stuff was stripped from it (stereo, back seats ripped, scrapped up). Got insurance money and fixed it to race. At the time I wasn't too happy with it being stolen, but looking back now, I really owe the theif!
Originally posted by grega:
Drag it to downtown Hartford. It'll fit right in and get taken away within 48 hours...

I did something similar once with an old utility trailer. I left it at a local construction site with a sign reading, "Take this, I don't want it anymore."

The would-be thieves must have thought it was a police set-up--no one touched it for two weeks. As soon as I removed the sign, it was gone.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
I did this just recently, the junk yards wouldn't touch it because there was not much left of it, but the local scrap dealer was happy to have it, even paid me $14 for it - and I got to figure out how much my car trailer weighs. No title needed, but it was old enough that in New Hampshire I wouldn't have needed a title to register it. I did have to remove the gas tank, tires & all "fluids".

Look in the yellow pages for your local scrap dealer.
I have given a couple to the FD to use for training with their Hurst tool. I also have a local junkyard that I have bought so many cars and parts from that he will take my hulks off my hands. I have taken him so many that have had every usefull part removed he just waves my around back to the crusher when he sees me pull in with one on the trailor. Or if I really feel ambitious I can cut them to peices and go to the recycling center and they will give me $25 a ton for it(almost pays for the cost of fuel to get there and back).
Originally posted by Mattberg:
A good saw. A truck. A local supermarket dumpster. You'd be surprised

Good God...another convict. You'll be "surprised" too when that police cruiser shows up!
I've thrown parts away in my home trash. I just got rid of a seat, hood, and fenders. My trash people will take anything (except tires, and there are ways around that...) A friend of mine has thrown away entire cars (cut up and over 4-5 weeks).

Matt Downing
Matt-I used to be able to do that too. It worked great until the day I dragged about 3/4 of an entire front clip out to the curb and found a ticket on it when I came home from work from the trashman ("NO MORE CAR PARTS").

Have a good New Years.