Ho, Ho, Ho!


New member
Because we have not spent our entire promotional budget this year, we decided to put some of the funds in our customers' pockets. (Yeah, the crowd goes wild!) However, it must be earned.

In celebration of our logo having been recently registered at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, we are having a logo contest. We will pose four questions and the first three correct respondents to each question will receive a $100 discount on any Isaac product purchased before year end (adhesive excluded). Four questions, three correct respondents, twelve winners.

[Edit for clarification:

1) We are looking for twelve winners--three for each question.

2) If you are one of the first three to submit a correct answer to any of the four questions you have won.

3) Each winner can answer more than one question correctly and receive a $100 discount for each correct answer.

4) You may post more than once.

5) The total discount may not exceed the purchase price, i.e. we won't pay you for the purchase.

Extreme case: Twelve forum members submit correct answers to each question and we are out 4,800 bucks.

The contest ends when we have twelve winners or on 31 December 2003, whichever comes first.

Did I do that right?

Question #1
Except for the letter "A", which has been modified by our graphics people, the logo consists of a standard printer's font. What is the name of this font?

Question #2
Which automobile manufacturer also uses this font?

Question #3
The letter "A" in our logo has been modified to resemble a different letter from a different alphabet. Which alphabet?

Question #4
Referring to question #3, this letter (from a different alphabet) has a specific meaning in the field of mathematics. What does it mean?

Post your answers here. The first three correct answers to each question will be from winners. To receive your prize, just include a copy of your post when you fax in your order.

Good luck!

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC

[This message has been edited by gsbaker (edited November 26, 2003).]
#3 Greek

I guess I didn't do this right the first time so...

#1 Aggie
#2 Porsche
#3 Greek - Already got this one
#4 Delta - difference between two values; an increment of a variable

[This message has been edited by ryotko (edited November 26, 2003).]
If it is Saturn's font, isn't it appropriate that a Saturn Racer came up with the adhesive idea?

Scary, huh?

Planet 6 Racing
bill (at) planet6racing (dot) com
Hmm. Good efforts so far.

We have been contacted by some posters who are convinced they have submitted correct answers, but they want to purchase before year end. So let's move the cutoff date to 15 December.

That way they can have something extra under the tree!

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
#1 Aggie
#2 Porsche
#3 Greek - Already got this one
#4 Delta - Difference between two values; an increment of a variable

Daryl Brightwell
ITA RX7 #11
ITA RX7 #77
Wow. If they're correct, I think I deserve a commission. At least on 3 and 4.

Originally posted by 7'sRracing:
#1 Aggie
#2 Porsche
#3 Greek - Already got this one
#4 Delta - Difference between two values; an increment of a variable

Time's up. Put down your #2 pencils.

We have winners, four to be exact: ryotko, oanglade each with a $400 discount, paulydee with a $300 discount and itsrx7 with a $100 discount.

Let's go over the answers...

Question #1
Except for the letter "A", which has been modified by our graphics people, the logo consists of a standard printer's font. What is the name of this font?

The font is Aggie. Some people also refer to it as the "Speed" font.

First three correct answers were from ryotko, oanglade, and paulydee.

Question #2
Which automobile manufacturer also uses this font?

Porsche, Acura and Saturn use this font, although it is slightly modified in the case of Saturn.

First three correct answers were from itsrx7, ryotko, and oanglade.

Question #3
The letter "A" in our logo has been modified to resemble a different letter from a different alphabet. Which alphabet?


First three correct answers were from ryotko, oanglade, and paulydee.

Question #4
Referring to question #3, this letter (from a different alphabet) has a specific meaning in the field of mathematics. What does it mean?

The Greek letter Delta refers to change/derivative/increment in math.

First three correct answers were from ryotko, oanglade, and paulydee.

Nice work everyone--and fast too. Just send in a copy of your post with your order and you will receive the discount.

We need to put some time limit on this. Let's say the order needs to be placed by the end of January. Sound reasonable?


Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
For extra credit:

As several of you have correctly answered, the Greek letter Delta refers to change/derivative/increment in the field of mathematics.

In our logo, the graphics folks have modified the Greek letter Delta such that it contains another Delta in the lower left-hand corner--so it's a double Delta.

In the field of physics (especially Newton's Laws of Motion) double Delta has a specific meaning. It is sometimes noted by the letter "X" with two small dots overhead ("X double dot") as a calculus shorthand.

Question: What does double Delta (or "X double dot") stand for in Newton's Laws of Motion?

Hint: It's one word and racers like it (no, not "beer").

The first correct answer yields a $100 discound. Deadline is midnight tonight.

Gregg Baker, P.E.
Isaac, LLC
Originally posted by gsbaker:
For extra credit:

As several of you have correctly answered, the Greek letter Delta refers to change/derivative/increment in the field of mathematics.

In our logo, the graphics folks have modified the Greek letter Delta such that it contains another Delta in the lower left-hand corner--so it's a double Delta.

In the field of physics (especially Newton's Laws of Motion) double Delta has a specific meaning. It is sometimes noted by the letter "X" with two small dots overhead ("X double dot") as a calculus shorthand.

Question: What does double Delta (or "X double dot") stand for in Newton's Laws of Motion?

Hint: It's one word and racers like it (no, not "beer").

The first correct answer yields a $100 discound. Deadline is midnight tonight.

Sorry, double post. Computer hiccuped.

[This message has been edited by Geo (edited December 31, 2003).]

I owe you a reply to your last e-mail to me. I sent it and got it bounced back at me. Since then I've been head down the rest of the month. I'll try again.

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed