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08-23-2002, 04:44 PM
any chance of a space for sec miata all by itself

dave parker
08-25-2002, 08:28 AM
Absolutely! Get enough cars coming out in the same region to the same tracks. As the popularity of a class grows and more people get involved with that class it will get its own run group. The proof in the pudding is the Washington DC Region Spec RX7 class.
Started out being lumped with ITB,but the class grew to the point the powers that be had to give SRX7 their own run group. They now consistently field 40-50 cars every time. Lesson learned,like everything else in this world money talks and bullshit stinks.
Have Fun
dave parker
wdcr itb#13

08-25-2002, 05:54 PM
www.specmiata.com (http://www.specmiata.com).

They aren't really Improved Touring cars...

09-04-2002, 11:00 PM
The Mazda forum should suffice, no?

Webmaster - www.ImprovedTouring.com (http://www.ImprovedTouring.com)

09-05-2002, 11:53 AM
DAVE PARKER! how's it going? i spoke w/ you this past weekend (about omp suits, pads for my second gen rx-7, etc...). cool seeing you floating around here. get that car fixed! =)

take care,

mike frazer