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View Full Version : Mid Ohio Brat Bash - July 30-31

R2 Racing
07-06-2005, 08:56 AM
It's only 3.5 weeks away so who's coming out to Mid Ohio again? I'll be there in my ITA Integra once again with hopefully a few more tricks up my sleeve. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/wink.gif The Brat Bash is usually my favorite CenDiv race of the year.

How's having two back to back weekends at Mid Ohio affecting everyone? Is anybody running both of them or only one of them? I think I'll be at both of them but I'm not 100% on that. Maybe I'll get my butt into an ITC car again for one of them - we'll have to see on that.

edit for comparison sake:
Brat Bash - $270 for both days (double, 17min qualify, 14 lap race)
group 1: SSB, SSC, ITA, IT7, SM, SMT, SRX7
group 2: ITS, AS
group 4: ITB, ITC, EP, FP, GP, HP, GTL, BG, SPU, LC

WOR Games - $250 for both days (double, 20min qualify, 14 lap race)
group 1: ITB, ITC, SSC, IT7, SRX7
group 3: ITA, SSB, SM, SMT
group 6: ITS, EP, FP, SPU

ugh, looks like I'm with SM's either way...
Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

[This message has been edited by R2 Racing (edited July 06, 2005).]

07-06-2005, 09:15 AM
I hope we will be there with the two TR8s. If not, we will try to make the WOR games race the next weekend

07-06-2005, 10:09 AM
I am currently planning to attend both weekends. It makes it a bit hectic, but I am trying to get as many races in this years (most at Mid O).

Paul D'Angelo
Indy Region

C. Ludwig
07-06-2005, 12:03 PM
I'll probably only run the first weekend. If I do the next weekend it'll most likely be at Gateway just for a change of pace and a slightly shorter haul.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

07-06-2005, 12:08 PM
I will be there at the Brat Bash in ITA Neon 07. After wrecking hard at the start of the race last year in my Mustang I need to get back on the horse and drive MId-O again.

07-08-2005, 08:24 AM
I hope to have the Shelby back together and teched in time for the Brat Bash, with the WOR games as plan B (need to get my two races in to get the Regional lic.) We will know better after this weekend.

Bill Stevens
Mbr 103106
BnS Racing
83 ITA Shelby Dodge Charger

07-08-2005, 11:11 AM
i plan to attend the brat bash only. it has always been a great event.


07-11-2005, 09:45 PM
Just found out I am not going to make it to the Brat Bash(my favorite race of the year). Therefore The two TR8s are going to the WOR games race instead the next weekend. My question is what people think the turn out will be at the WOR game. I know the Brat Bash will be very well attended as it always is, I am concerned about having an event the next weekend. Do many plan on doing both or one or the other

R2 Racing
07-12-2005, 08:12 AM
I'll be at both of them in ITA. My Dad will only be at the WOR Games in ITC.

Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

07-12-2005, 12:58 PM
I can only afford one weekend, so I will be at the WOR Games as more cannon-fodder for Mr. Ruck and that evil orange car....

Steve Linn
'92 ITA Sentra SE-R
www.indyscca.org (http://www.indyscca.org)

07-12-2005, 11:33 PM
why are you doing the WOR games race instead of the Brat Bash. If I had my choice I would do the Brat Bash

R2 Racing
07-13-2005, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Racerlinn:
I can only afford one weekend, so I will be at the WOR Games as more cannon-fodder for Mr. Ruck and that evil orange car....

Hopefully I'll be able to complete the couple of changes I want to do to the car before the Brat Bash. Steve, just wait until I'm actually happy with how it handles. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/wink.gif Have you had the SE-R out on Mid Ohio yet?

Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

07-13-2005, 01:13 PM
I have never driven Mid-Ohio - I'm a Rook!!
Been there for quite a few events as a spectator though. Saturday morning will be very, very interesting try to learn the track. You can only watch so much in-car video trying to learn it. I'll be concentrating on staying out of folks way as I get up to speed. At least I'll have some fresh Kumhos to use.

07-13-2005, 11:33 PM
Chris, you should only do the WOR games and not the Brat Bash. You will get an exra 6 minutes on the track and not have to race with the annoying American Sedans.

Matt Miller ITS #7 RX-7

(trying to persuade the winner of both days at MO not to come so I have a slim shot)

I will see you at the Brat Bash

07-14-2005, 10:00 AM
Matt Miller ITS #7 RX-7

Matt are you the Mazda that hit the 4 White BMW in turn 15 at the Cinncy Race? I saw the film and was wondering what happened from your perspective?

07-14-2005, 06:47 PM
No, I did not hit anyone. I am not sure which day/incident you are talking about.

07-14-2005, 08:33 PM
Originally posted by xr4racer:
No, I did not hit anyone. I am not sure which day/incident you are talking about.
It was in Sundays race 7/3, must of been the 45 ITS rx7. It happened on lap 6, someone closed the door on him when he was besides them and they cut his valve stem. At least that is what I saw on the film.
I had a good time that weekend and met some good people.

07-14-2005, 10:03 PM
That is my friend Allen Milarcik in the 45 car, I will have to ask him

07-15-2005, 10:39 AM
Kevin, this is OT but can you tell a Mazda driver where the source of intake air is on a last generation Prelude? This does not relate to your car(s) as far as I know. You probably know what I am getting at.

Bill Denton
87/89 ITS RX-7
02 Audi TT225QC
95 Tahoe

R2 Racing
07-15-2005, 04:21 PM
Originally posted by bldn10:
Kevin, this is OT but can you tell a Mazda driver where the source of intake air is on a last generation Prelude? This does not relate to your car(s) as far as I know. You probably know what I am getting at.

Yea, I could guess what you're getting at. Honestly though, I don't know where the stock source of air comes from on those 5th gen Preludes. All I can say is that any Honda I've ever actually looked for that on, has the source of air come from inside the engine bay. I can't say for a fact that it does or does not on those 5th gen Preludes though.

C. Ludwig
07-15-2005, 05:10 PM
Here's a 5th gen Prelude underhood pic. The connection between the airbox and intake are removed but you'll get the idea. What did I miss?


Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

07-16-2005, 10:41 AM
Chris, e-mail me.
[email protected]

I don't know for sure what generation car it was but it had the body style I described. The photo does not answer the question because it does not show from where air gets into the box. That box looks air-tight so it must be fed from somewhere.

Bill Denton
87/89 ITS RX-7
02 Audi TT225QC
95 Tahoe

R2 Racing
07-16-2005, 10:51 AM
I looked at some of our parts diagrams at work (I work at a Honda dealership) and honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the source of air actually does come from inside the fender well. It was kind of hard to tell though. I'd have to look at one to know for sure.

07-21-2005, 02:19 AM
Anyhow, back on subject.

I'm hoping to be there.

#85 IT7
Hillbilly Motorsports

I'll more than likely be padocked up near the Keyhole.

R2 Racing
07-26-2005, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by ScottNutter:
I'll more than likely be padocked up near the Keyhole.

That's where I'll be with my orange ITA Integra.

Can anyone answer why it is that no CenDiv events ever put out entry lists or anything before an event? I don't know, it just annoys me. It seems like practically all of the NEDiv and SEDiv events have an entry up somewhere at least a week before the event.

Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

07-26-2005, 12:10 PM
Not only that, but where is the Icard??? They have it at Grattan and that is about it. I sent about 3 messages to Dave Killingham last year even offered to help and heard nothing back, NOTHING, not even a returned email...

07-27-2005, 09:30 PM
Just a heads up. I talked to the registrar today. ITA has been moved to group 2 for this weekend.

07-27-2005, 11:17 PM
Wow, this might get interesting.

R2 Racing
07-27-2005, 11:34 PM
Originally posted by Rabbit07:
Just a heads up. I talked to the registrar today. ITA has been moved to group 2 for this weekend.

Well, I guess that's no big deal. I was actually looking at that Group 1 of SSB, SSC, ITA, IT7, SM, SMT, & SRX-7 and thought that it would be a freaking huge run group. But if they took out ITA and moved is into Group 2 with ITS & AS, it should help even things out a little bit. I don't mind running with the ITS guys.

Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

John Herman
07-28-2005, 09:05 AM
I think moving ITA into Group 2 is a bad idea. The track could get very crowded as the AS cars go rumbling down the straights, only to have lower cornering speeds, whereas the ITA cars have great cornering but lack the brute acceleration. The ITS cars sort of fit between the two. The back section of the track esspecially could get dicey. I'd much rather they move some of the SS cars. There is enough of a speed differential, that, at least at other tracks, allows them to seperate out into their own races.

R2 Racing
07-28-2005, 10:50 AM
Seriously though, how many AS cars do you expect to be there? 4 maybe?

I just wonder if we'll all be into eachothers races like what happened at the Freedom Regional. The top 3 ITS cars and the top 3 ITA cars all ran around in the same pack. It made for some interesting racing.

Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

07-29-2005, 06:50 PM
Alas, I'm reading this post from CA and won't be there this weekend http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/frown.gif. Gotta get a better sponser!

08-01-2005, 09:14 AM
does anyone have the website that was noted for the photo of group 4 where the white car is backwards on the track on the front straight and the 3 cars are going past?

i can't find my note with website. it was great shot!

08-01-2005, 10:33 AM
does anyone have the results for ITS. was not able to attend. I will be going to the WOR games this weekend

08-01-2005, 11:44 AM
I have the results but not in a scanned format. Anything in particular you want to know?

C. Ludwig
08-01-2005, 02:24 PM
Here are the AS/ITS/ITA results. Again I want to stress the great job the A guys are doing. I so wanted to see Joe Moser (1:43.3...are you kidding me?!?) run down the AS Camaro for the overall win Sunday! Great job guys!



Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

R2 Racing
08-01-2005, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by C. Ludwig:
Joe Moser (1:43.3...are you kidding me

You have no idea how frustrating that is. I'm still busting my balls to just get back into the 1:44's again! Keep in mind that going into last weekend, there's only ever been 6 ITA cars to ever break the 1:44.999 mark (5 were there last weekend) and no one had ever run faster than a 1:44.46X. A 1:43.3 is just out of this world....unbelieveable.

Oh, and since I didn't get to afterwards, I'd just love to thank that ITS RX-7 who ruined what was going to be my fastest lap ever at Mid Ohio during qualifying on Sunday. Honestly, if a car in a slower class than you picks up at least 15-20 car lengths on you through the course of one lap and catches you coming out of 13, he just might be on a flyer, so please, get out of the way! My car had a 1:44.7 in it that morning but traffic just wasn't going to let it happen.
Ruck Racing
'92 ITA Acura Integra RS
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

[This message has been edited by R2 Racing (edited August 01, 2005).]

08-01-2005, 08:22 PM
I know that wasn't me http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/smile.gif It's seems to be harder and harder for the ITA/ITS mix to work. Some poor judgement from both sides of the fence on this subject. The A Sedans (and a few CRX's) were giving me no love either during the race on Sunday.

Originally posted by R2 Racing:

Oh, and since I didn't get to afterwards, I'd just love to thank that ITS RX-7 who ruined what was going to be my fastest lap ever at Mid Ohio during qualifying on Sunday.

[This message has been edited by paulydee (edited August 01, 2005).]

08-01-2005, 09:18 PM
Originally posted by paulydee:
I know that wasn't me http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/smile.gif It's seems to be harder and harder for the ITA/ITS mix to work. Some poor judgement from both sides of the fence on this subject. The A Sedans (and a few CRX's) were giving me no love either during the race on Sunday.

Hey Paulydee, I was in the red/white AS Mustang #34, I hope I wasn't one of the AS guys giving you no love on Sunday. I was hounded by two well-handling RX-7's but I couldn't give up my horsepower advantage down the straights. I thought we all ran a great,clean race on Sunday. In fact I was impressed on how well all the cars did in Group 2 which was a pleasant change from my many years of running ITB. At any rate, sorry if it was me you were inferring to in AS cars.

[This message has been edited by paulydee (edited August 01, 2005).]

08-01-2005, 09:33 PM
Wow, Chris, 4 in a row. You da man. You trying to jack up the price of that car or what?

Marty Doane
ITS RX-7 #13
CenDiv WMR

C. Ludwig
08-01-2005, 09:53 PM
Nope. Just trying to get all the bugs worked out for the next owner. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/biggrin.gif

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

08-01-2005, 10:08 PM
Jon, you were out of my sights, but thanks for the consideration. You must have had Matt and Allen to deal with further up front http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/smile.gif

John Herman
08-02-2005, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by John Herman:
I think moving ITA into Group 2 is a bad idea.
Kevin, I guess now you understand my point. Quite honestly, I do not mind sharing the track with other classes, but I do not "enjoy" racing with cars not in my class.

08-02-2005, 07:58 AM
here is the photos with the car sitting backwards on the track and cars going by during group 4 race on saturday.

http://home.insight.rr.com/jhayter/images/.../backwards5.jpg (http://home.insight.rr.com/jhayter/images/backwards5.jpg)


R2 Racing
08-02-2005, 08:04 AM
Originally posted by John Herman:
Kevin, I guess now you understand my point. Quite honestly, I do not mind sharing the track with other classes, but I do not "enjoy" racing with cars not in my class.

I think we'd all agree with that. Unfortunately, unless you're racing at the Runoffs or something, none of us are ever going to see a run group made up of solely cars in our class.

[This message has been edited by R2 Racing (edited August 02, 2005).]

C. Ludwig
08-02-2005, 09:34 AM
I don't think we have any expectation of getting our own run group. It would be better though if S and A were paired with groups of different speed potentials. John said he'd rather run with GT1 than A and I agree. You see them once, maybe twice, during the race when they blow by you and put you a lap down and it's over. With A and S running together we're constantly tripping over each other. I'd be in favor of approaching the hosting regions about this if anyone has a good suggestion on a way to group the cars other than the way it's been. To be honest I haven't put much thought into it other than it sucks for both A and S.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

C. Ludwig
08-02-2005, 09:35 AM
Oh, I did just have a good idea. Call the comp board and slow down those damn A Hondas! Would solve the problem for me anyway. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/biggrin.gif

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

R2 Racing
08-02-2005, 10:31 AM
Originally posted by C. Ludwig:
Oh, I did just have a good idea. Call the comp board and slow down those damn A Hondas! Would solve the problem for me anyway. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/biggrin.gif

Hey, don't hate! http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/wink.gif I see your point though - the last two weekends up there, the ITA and ITS leads were indeed tripping over eachother. I had a good view behind it. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/frown.gif

Who's ITS with this coming weekend? ITA is with SM & SMT. The good thing about that is the fast ITA cars are ahead of the SM cars. The bad thing about it is it's not real long before we get into the lappers of the 40 freaking Miata's out there.

C. Ludwig
08-02-2005, 11:36 AM
We're supposed to be with the Prod guys. So I was hoping that we'd pretty much have the group to ourselves. But if they want to put A with all the SM guys we might be looking at a change again. Guess we'll have to wait and see how many people show up. I would guess attendance will be down with the back to back weekends.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

08-02-2005, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by R2 Racing:
The bad thing about it is it's not real long before we get into the lappers of the 40 freaking Miata's out there.

40 freakin Miata's and me trying to figure the joint out http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/biggrin.gif

Steve Linn
'92 ITA Sentra SE-R
www.indyscca.org (http://www.indyscca.org)

08-03-2005, 12:44 AM
Sheesh, even when you run SM you still have to deal with the back of the pack of 40 freakin Miatas. Hey, don't hate http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/wink.gif

Good luck this weekend Steve, you're gonna have a blast, MO is awesome. You know, you could sign up for the NASA HPDE on Friday to learn the track a bit!

www.aimtuning.com (http://www.aimtuning.com)

[This message has been edited by Tweak (edited August 03, 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Tweak (edited August 03, 2005).]

08-04-2005, 08:29 AM
Uh, Shane, aren't you supposed to be minding the shop instead of trolling around here? http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/biggrin.gif
Can't make the Friday event, so Saturday morning will be quite interesting. Thanks.

R2 Racing
08-04-2005, 10:33 AM
Originally posted by Tweak:
Sheesh, even when you run SM you still have to deal with the back of the pack of 40 freakin Miatas. Hey, don't hate http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/wink.gif

hahaha - I was just waiting for a SM guy to come in here and read that. My bad.

Steve - just try and keep up and you'll be alright. http://ITForum.ImprovedTouring.com/wink.gif It's always entertaining watching people go around Mid Ohio for the first time. By the end of the weekend though, you'll have a new favorite track.