St. Louis Oct. double Regional


New member
Ok Midwest folks how about a little info for a Poor CenDiv racer who needs a second race for the year to maintain his licence. Did my first race of the year at the Farm last weekend & my first race ever in ITA. Raced Spec-7 since 2000. Never raced at Gateway before. Have 1st gen RX-7 ITA/7. Which class do I want to race ? ITA or IT7 (or is there no choice)? IS the padoock space large enough for the race car, an open trailer & the Ford Ranger tow truck? I have the supps printed but will still ask the question. Where is the least expensive motel near the track (we are talking about just ME sleeping & showering.) I would rather drive 10 easy miles to the motel than pay $100 close by.


More experienced people will chime in but it's raining outside and I'm bored.

Been there twice. Both times everyone's rigs fit the paddock just fine. It's not huge but there was plenty of room.

You'll need to drive atleast 5 miles to a hotel no matter how much you spend. We stayed at the Days Inn (I think) both times. It's a few exits away from the track and the closest thing I know of. Spent like $70/night for three people.

My car will be there...but I won't. Cheer it on for me.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv

[This message has been edited by C. Ludwig (edited October 12, 2004).]
Lets see... IT7 has been very popular this year with at least 5 cars per race. We've been lumped in with SM as our own run group and it'll be the same in Oct. ITA has been pretty dismal attendance wise. The fastest IT7's are running high 1:13s, low 1:14's, but both of them are for sale right now, so who knows if they'll even be there. The fastest ITA times are low 13's.

(Donning the regions road race webmaster hat..) I assume that you've checked out the road racing section over at ? There's info on parking as well as hotel contact info, a description of the track etc. Also, there's links to some video of the track over on the forum.

Unfortunately, my car is down as I zinged the motor at the last race and I've been too busy building cages to get to it
I'll be working a corner somewhere and I'll look you up! What color/number?

Scott Rhea
It's not what you build...
it's how you build it

Izzy's Custom Cages
Chris, did you sell your car or is someone using it ?

Drew, you have a reply. Thanks

Scott, sounds like IT7 is the class to run. My IT7 is a partial conversion of my Spec-7. Ran this past Sunday at the Farm for the first time this year & the first time in ITA. Had a great weekend as are every weekend at the rcae tarck.
The car is a 1st gen RX-7, silver in color, multi colored color blue checkered flag roof with a big bold RED Stock Car mentality #14. Look forward to meeting you & others from the Midwest area. Had some pictures untill my pc took a crap & the folks who fixed it didn't save anything. As a matter Chris from the above post took some pictures at Gingerman last year & forwarded them. Chris if ya still have any pictures please forward them a second time.

Have Fun

I'm loaning the car out to a buddy. Someone has to blow the cobwebs off it.

Sorry, those pics are long gone with multiple computer crashes.

Chris Ludwig
08 ITS RX7 CenDiv
Not having looked at the St. Louis region website

David, we always stay in Collinsville. It's an easy 10 minute drive north of the track. There are a number of places to stay there - pick your favorite "standard" place, and it's probably there.

Paddock space shouldn't be a problem at all. IF it looks like it may be wet, find someone to share a garage space with. Plenty of room for two cars in one slot, with electricity and air available.

Garage Space is $50 per day. If it looks like rain you may want to give Dan at the track a call (phone # on the previously mentioned site
) to secure a spot.

By the way, the Region is very appreciative to everyone who ran/worked at Gateway this year and is planning on showing it at the Oct. race
My two cents on St. Loius. I have a 9 hr tow so I allways arrive late. One time they will let you into the track, the next time they won't. These aren't SCCA people you will be dealing with. They will have you backing up all over the lot because they don't want you turning around in there lots. I've never found room in the paddock. Always have to set up in the dirt and or mud. Out in the south forty there is no communications so when the schedual is changed on short notice you won't know about it untill you see your group drive by on the track. They have track yellow lights but don't trust them, they can be on and everyone drives past you because they were left on my mistake. Never really had these problems at other facilities. The night security people are really clueless, arrive during 'regular hours.' Lynn
Thanks to everyone for the info/support. Event fee is in the mail, reservations made at the 6 in Collinsville.

See ya all Friday evening.


ps: How much is the parking fee payable to Gateway I read about in the supps?
Please run the IT7 class to keep the participation numbers up. You will probably have a better chance of getting a trophy in ITA however because you might be the only entrant. Since the RX7's went to IT7, and the Hondas don't have anyone to dominate, they pretty well stopped coming.
Mike, IT7 is the race group I entered.

The only reason we don't have IT7 in area 5 of the CenDiv is politics IMHJ.
They have IT7 in area 4 of the CenDiv & they have a seperate series at Mid Ohio for IT7.

Have Fun

Originally posted by miketrier:
Please run the IT7 class to keep the participation numbers up. You will probably have a better chance of getting a trophy in ITA however because you might be the only entrant. Since the RX7's went to IT7, and the Hondas don't have anyone to dominate, they pretty well stopped coming.

That's no kidding on both statements! The two top dogs in IT7 are selling their cars (Jim Stevens has a SM as well as an AS car as well, and I have no idea why Nadeem is selling... the car isn't even "developed" and he's giving Albin troubles in the "overall" department). If Mark Jefferys (#92) won this past weekend, I don't think he'll show (chassing points), I'm out due to a zinged motor... You might even trophy in IT7

ITA has been a ghost town after IT7 formed. Tim Finley (dominant at Gateway in A) has moved on to another class due to frustration at the A levels. He's had nobody to race with for quite a while, except for SM's, and now they've got a separate run group.

Scott Rhea
It's not what you build...
it's how you build it

Izzy's Custom Cages
I'll be making the trip. Lynn Lamb and I are still contending for the MidAm Championship. I need some more track time to get ready for the ARRC anyway.

FWIW - considering the two class entry levels I'll have to agree with Mike and Scott. Run in IT7. It will be a lot more fun.
Actually, I'm baaack

I'll be running Oct 30/31. There were some personal issues that were forcing the sale, but since then, circumstances have changed and I will be racing again.

Can't wait to race again.

#97 IT7
How'd you do this past weekend Mark? I assume you got the car running????

Good to hear Nadeem! Maybe next year you'll actually be seeing my car in your mirror more often than just when you've lapped me.
Back up there Speed Raycer,I am pretty sure the old white and purple honda was the dominate "A" car at GIR the last few years( since Stretch went pro--and it was not fully developed until last year)Finely is a good friend of mine who's frustration was more toward my car than the class,just kidding.Actually Jim should be pretty hot in that car next year.
I used to be excited when ITA had 6-7 cars in it's group,now I am bummed if there are less than 20 Spec Miata's in a group.
Good luck at the end of the month.

Dave V
Just got an email from Carol. Entries look good. 7 have registered in IT7. It's shaping up to be a very good weekend.