

New member
Since AMB transponders are manditory for all cars in MiDiv next year I've contacted them to see if they have a group discount for us. I think that was mentioned at the convention but can't remember. Once I get an answer I''l post the info here and on the MiDiv Forum.

Drain bramage?

Mark Jeffery
ITA #92 '85 RX7
MiDiv - Arkansas Region

Didn't go to RA. Shot the wad on the regular season. Spending the winter trying to get ready for IT7.

Congratulations on the Mid-Am Championship. Good job. What do you have planned for next year?

Mark Jeffery
ITA #92 '85 RX7
MiDiv - Arkansas Region
I believe that your best bet is going to be contacting someone in CenDiv

OR SeDiv

I don't think MiDiv is going to buy any to sell; there just isn't going to be a big enough demand (just repeating what I heard). Now, that said, if you and a couple of your friends get together, you can probably save some shipping either from AMB or any other source.

Lesley Albin
Over The Limit Racing
Blazen Golden Retrievers

Thanks for the links. The CenDiv Prices are the same as those from AMB direct. No cost savings there.

Candy Gerber is still working on a group price and will post any new info on this site as well as the Midiv site.

For those interested the AMB website for Sports Car Transponders is provided below.

Mark Jeffery
ITA #92 '85 RX7
MiDiv - Arkansas Region

Thanks for the congrats. No big plans, other than tear apart everything and replace what I can afford.

How about you?

#62 ITC

The first thing it to get a transponder. I don't "HAVE" to do much to the car for next year. The "WANT" to list keeps growing. So the list is Transponder, Wheels, Tires, 4.88 Differential, Tri-Link and new Transmission. I'm trying to hold it to this or I'll have to sell the house.

Mark Jeffery
ITA #92 '85 RX7
MiDiv - Arkansas Region

I hear you on that one. Similar list for me. Transponder, Cool Suit system (maybe), new hubs/bearings/CV drive axles, and have my engine builder give the motor a quick ckeck to make sure I'm not on the verge of throwing a rod or something.

Other than that, my want list is huge as well, but the story is the same here. I got engaged almost 1 year ago to the day, with one stipulation: "We can get married anytime you want, as long as it is not during racing season", well the season is over, so I need to make an honest woman out of her before I can get to that "WANT" list.

Have a great off-season (isn't that a joke, I actually do more work between Nov/Apr than I usually do all season), and keep in touch. See you at the Brand New Heartland Park track in April!!!!!!!!

#62 ITC
Jeff & Mark
RA was kick a@# as usual. You guys really ought to try and make it out next year even if you don't bring a car. Charlie and I have been (without cars unfortunately
)the past couple of years and I can safely say that it is as much or more fun than going to the runoffs.

KCRaceware (816) 257-7305
[email protected]
I forgot to mention that we sell the cool suits. Give Charlie a call at the shop and he can give you a first hand account of how much he enjoyed his at Hallett this past 4th of July weekend

KCRaceware (816) 257-7305
[email protected]

I'm going to concentrate on getting my car prepped for a run at the ARRC next year. I'll probably only run at HMRC, MMP and GIR next year in MiDiv. Hopefully I can get in a couple of trips to RA before the ARRC.

Mark Jeffery
ITA #92 '85 RX7
MiDiv - Arkansas Region

I will give you guys a call about the cool suit. The Enduro @ Hallett was what sealed the deal for me. Of course it did not help that we drank 60 beers Sat. nite before the Sun race.

I might give ARRC a shot next year. We will have to see what the budget looks like.

Thanks for the info.

#62 ITC
One note about the transponder prices. When we (speaking for the chicago/milwaukee transponder committee) started selling them, the prices we were selling at were at a substantial discount over what AMB was selling them to the general public. Now that almost everyone has them, AMB is selling them to the public for the same cost.

I hope you can get a deal out of AMB, but I wouldn't count on it...