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View Full Version : New to IT, looking for some guidance

08-26-2003, 09:13 AM
I've been racing Solo II for about a year now, and am in the process of building my ITC car (86 Honda CRX Dx). I was looking to see if anyone in the central division might be available for some pointers, or could use an extra hand in the pits. I'm in Indianapolis, but can would travel for a bit of experience. I'll be outa town for the Grattan race, but will be around for the Mid-Ohio race on the 6th and 7th. If anyone is interested in showing a newbie the ropes before his driving schools (planning on taking my classes next spring when my car is ready), then cantact me and perhaps we can talk.

R2 Racing
08-26-2003, 02:13 PM
We will be at the Mid Ohio regional September 6-7th. We'll have an '85 ITC Civic S and a '92 ITC Civic Cx there that weekend.

We can always use an extra set of hands in the paddock and I'm sure we could teach you some things about your new ITC car.

R2 Racing
'92 ITC Honda Civic CX
'85 ITC Honda Civic S
'95 ITS Honda Prelude Si

09-01-2003, 10:47 AM
it sounds like i am going to be pickubg up my CRX on saturday, but if all goes to plan, i would love to meet up with you on sunday at mid-ohio. i imagine just walkig around i'll learn 100x would i already have, not to mention being able to ask a few questions..... ahh, and the sound of an engines running high rpms down the straigh-a-ways, does it get any better than that? lol. well, i'll send you an email when i get back home (i'm visiting family in Va right now), and see how/where i can meet up with you o sunday.

09-04-2003, 08:28 AM
Hey, I'm back home and was going to email you, but you don't have your addy listed. Shot me and email, so i kow when/where I can meet up with you. Again, thanks alot for the offer, and i look forward to meeting you and seeing how things work in IT. My email is Kaneda13 (at) hotmail (dot) com.