Re: Mike Cox


New member
Re: Mike Cox

For those of you who know Mike:

He will be missing the Sebring event in June. He had an unexpected visit from his cardiologist via Tampa General. He is feeling much better now, and is expecting to be released Friday.

Please keep him in your thoughts.

Jim Cohen

P.S. He has asked if all CFR IT7 drivers would waive points until he gets back.
We will all miss you, Mike.

"I'm not dead yet"-Mike Cox

Well, get better soon.
Follow your doctors' treatments to the letter. (I have to)
I'll waive all my regional points at the August race at Sebring.

Rod, Tammy and Trinity
Mike, you dog, what are you thinking? Couldn't you schedule this for after the June race when you'll have more recovery time? I'll waive all my IT-7 points while you're laid up. Its only right to do that for you and I'm sure Paul Mc.and Jim W. will also, along with Rod. That should make you feel better. Oh yea, QUIT SMOKING !!, that should make you fell better too.
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Regards, Mike G.
100% blockage. a stint to open it up and I'm ready to go. my doctor won't let me so I'll sit this one out and be back in August at full speed (with God's help)

To all my friends, thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. They did help me thru this.

However just because of this don't think I'm gonna give you anything on the track.

Glad there won't be a memorial trophy in my name so watch out. I may be down but I'm not out.


All jokes aside, I'm glad this wasn't worse. My dad just went through something similar, you are very blessed.

Take care of yourself now, so you can take care of these guys on the track later. Remember, preparation is the key; in racing AND in life.

You are in our prayers.


A few years ago, we went through this with my mother in-law. We returned Sunday evening from a race at Nelson Ledges with 11 messages on our anwering machine. The first was from her stating that she wasn't feeling well and the 11th was from a cardiologist in the ICU. She has made a full recovery and so will you. We will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

All the best,

Bill Emery
Glen Region
OK guys. All joking aside now.

If this operation goes OK I will be back, the doctors want to insert 2 more stents inside my heart to eliminate the blockages in the secondary vessels. I have a stress test scheduled Monday and they may do this Monday or Tuesday. Recovery should be quick and I'm shooting for the dbl SARRC but my doctor will not guarantee that I can.

Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers my friends. I can't get thru this without my family and God (and I consider you all to be part of my family)


I'll put a good word in for ya. Tell the Doc to change the filter while he's in there. That way it will not happen again.

They need to make sure the one going to the computer gets an increase in flow. Then maybe you will be able to concentrate better ....LOL

Always here if you need me.... Rick
We're all with ya Mike.

Don't worry. This procedure is so common these days, they'll probably have you show up at the OR via the drive-thru window.

I've never actually met Mike, but I had a lengthy conversation with him on the phone the other day (his nickel). I had posted a question that made it obvious I was about to purchase an IT7 car. He immediately replied, posted his phone number, said "I'll help you if I can. Call me."

At that point I had never even heard of this guy!

It took a few sessions of telephone tag, but we finally hooked up. He gave me some great advice. Spent a lot of his time (long distance) just telling me about IT7 and the great group of guys that are in it.

Many of you on this forum know Mike and have raced against him in the past. Others (like me) don't, or don't know him well. This post is for the benefit of that second group. I just wanted you to know a little bit about this guy.

Mike, like Gregg said. It's a fairly common procedure. But you WILL be in my thoughts and prayers. I'm really looking forward to getting my butt kicked by you the very first time! :P

Mike Spencer
NC Region
ITA/7 RX-7 (almost)
ITS RX-7 (just started)
1990 RX-7 Convertible (street car)
FYI, I just got off the phone with Mike. He did GREAT on his tests and was cleared for racing!

So, you guys can stop waiving all your points...

Mike Spencer
NC Region
ITA/7 RX-7 (almost)
ITS RX-7 (just started)
1990 RX-7 Convertible (street car)