what makes a "respected" driver?


New member
i have pondered this question countless times over the years. what makes a driver respected by his or her peers? we all consider some to be "good" or "bad" drivers.

what makes the difference?

is it their accomplishments on the track, like number of wins, poles, lap records, etc.

is it their driving style, tail hanging out, conservative, aggressive, rain technique, etc.

is it their off track behavior. their interaction with volunteers and stewards.

is it a certain combination of the above?

please, everyone share your input.

it would be great to see positive discussion on an issue i think each of us can relate to in some way.

ah.... how many more days till spring?

marc cefalo
Simple--Not to be an initator of metal-to-metal and obeys the flags. After that, I frankly do not care how fast or how slow the person is.

The above described characteristics show me the quality of enviornmental awareness!

The drivers I respect are:


I repect everyone who is out there to have fun and thinks of others first.


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region #188967
I pretty much agree with Andy. The person also has to show respect for others on and off the track.

I personally lose a tremendous respect for people that are arrogant and think they are better then everyone else.
I personally think very much of how the person acts off the track. We actually spend more time interacting off track than when practicing, qualifying or racing. Setting aside the goof who puts others at risk which thankfully are few, I really think the most of people who comport themselves as staight up competitors who love the sport, love to compete and enjoys tuning and tweaking their cars.

Most everybody is here for the same reason. However, who do I respect? In the NE we have two very good examples - the top 2 guys in the ITS NAARC would give you every bit of help you could ask for, treat others with respect regardless of how fast or slow you are, teach you stuff you didn't know, not run your ass over when they pass and not give you sh@t when you make a mistake. Those are the folks you want to race with and learn from.

Oh - and you better be very friggin fast.


#33 ITS RX7
BigSpeed Racing
[email protected]
Originally posted by benspeed:
However, who do I respect? In the NE we have two very good examples - the top 2 guys in the ITS NAARC would give you every bit of help you could ask for, treat others with respect regardless of how fast or slow you are, teach you stuff you didn't know, not run your ass over when they pass and not give you sh@t when you make a mistake. Those are the folks you want to race with and learn from.

Dang! I was hoping for the top 3...

Ben is right on the money. Someone who respects you as a racer and respects your car as if it were their own.


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region #188967
I would agree to all the above and add...

1: Someone you know you can race inches with and not have an unnessisary incident because of stupidity.

Example: I respect those that can go 2 wide in corners such Nascar 1/2 at NHIS or someone who can go side by side in any turn at Lime Rock at speed including the uphill and downhill.

I don't like drivers who can not or don't like to do this and complain or yell at you... If you can't race go time trial, we pass and play in the turns

2: I respect a slow (or fast) aware driver, not one who is slow (or fast) and dangerouse.

Example: I STRONGLY DO NOT RESPECT many of the "BIG BORE" drivers who havn't a clue how to race, or even drive. SCCA has so many of those people with fast cars that go fast down the streights and slam the brakes in the turns... I can't stand watching the AS race and seeing what those drivers (AS Drivers) have to deal with (GT and ITE drivers), nevermind open practice...
We don't have to worry as much about this in IT wich probably is why it is the best non-pro racing in NA.

3: I also have a great deal of respect for those that drive/build legal cars.

4: I have a great deal of respect for those willing to help others, including giving away the secrets

5: Most important I have respect for those that are doing this for fun

To be more specific to the original post,

It doesn't matter if you win or loose, as many cars have no chance at winning...

It doesn't matter how aggressive or tail hangin out you can drive, as long as you are safe and can handle competition.

Everyone at the track needs to respect and interact with volunteers, stewards, and other drivers however I do not think any driver needs to play games like we had to at the ARRC with unjust stewards. No volonteer or steward deserves anymore respect than he/she gives. Just cause you voluntter or you are a steward doesn't make you god... (I hope that comment doesn't get me in trouble
but it is honest). We also must respect though that everyone has a bad day.

Raymond Blethen

I decided to add this little bit of info to clarify my comment above... I have never had any issues with stewards or volunteers other than the lack of penalties for people passing under yellows.

[This message has been edited by RSTPerformance (edited February 17, 2004).]