New Track in Englishtown?


New member
I visited the website for Old Bridge Townhip Raceway Park, and saw that they are building a 1.35 mile road course. Are there any plans for NED regions to run there? If so, when?

Raceway Park is happy to announce that we have recently received FINAL APPROVAL for the Raceway Park ROAD COURSE.
There are still many small details to hammer out but all are minor in nature.
We are guessing completion for late Summer 2004. We are not ready to schedule anything at the time.
Please key an eye on our website for information as it becomes available.
We will send out another e-mail to those on our HOTLINKS electronics mailing list with plenty of notice for scheduling information.
We have received FINAL APPROVAL This track will be separate from all other tracks at Raceway Park.
The course measures 1.35 miles with 40 foot wide roads over the entire course, except for the 1,400 foot straightaway that is 50 feet wide. There are some great features to this track such as, one 90 degree right turn, a 16 degree banked left turn and a mini corkscrew, which the road dips down and turns left as it drops.
This is a Technical Course.
There are approximately 13 turns. Some could be considered 2 turns.
The entire course will have lights.
Be prepared for the sound level to be on the quiet side. The actual db # has not yet been determined.

We plan on having cars and motorcycles usign this track.

At this time we do not have a Tentative opening. There is still many major projects left to do such as guardwalls, debris fences and lights. Several months minimum

Information regarding times, prices, etc. will be posted here as soon as it becomes available.
Road Course Photos
This track is way too small for wheel to wheel racing. Maybe Solo 1 or a kart track. If you look at the track diagram there are several places where inplace of proper runoff area there would be oncoming traffic! From what I've heard, SCCA won't touch it for wheel to wheel racing. I could be wrong though unless they've done some major revisions.... JOE

<font face=\"Verdana, Arial\" size=\"2\">From what I've heard, SCCA won't touch it for wheel to wheel racing. I could be wrong though unless they've done some major revisions.... JOE</font>

That was my understanding as of last spring. I am not sure if this latest activity represents an upgrade or a completion of their original layout.

EMRA has looked at the track, but until some serious issues concerning run-off and impact zones are addressed, it's a no go.

That's a shame, because it's less than five miles from home!