Double School Question


New member
IS one of the intents of the Double school to allow signed off Novices to run in the Regional? How does that work logistically?

Obviously the entrant must pre-register - with those pre-entries be accepted without signed off permits at that moment in time?

Is that the goal? I ask this in the context of a rental. Looking to book for 3 days if possible to give a price break instead of 2 + 1.


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region #188967
I don't think the NHIS two day school is considered a "Double School" to meet the the two drivers school requirement for sign-off to race. You get alot of track time torwards the 6hrs required, but you still need the second D-S, enless they have other experience that will waive the two school requirement.
Pre-register for the race, in anticipation of sign-off is a good idea.


That is not my understanding of the school. A 'Super School' they call it. I believe the point of it is to get the full requirements done.


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region #188967
Andy, you should contact the Chief instructor for clarification.

Other parts of the country typically run two-day schools, which count as one school signoff. At Summit Point, VIR, and all the SowDiv and MidDiv schools I instructed in were two-day, one-signoff events. Last October, for example, I shepherded a buddy through a 2-day, single-event school at Summit. He will come up here this spring for his second school.

The requirements for a signoff to race in a Regional event are discussed in GCR 5.5.2. They are:

- Chief Stew signoff
- 6 hours of on-course time
- Completion of 2 drivers schools

There are waivers in cases of prior experience or other sanctioning body licenses (GCR 5.5.3). If your prospective student has no priors then you need to contact the Chief Instructor and/or Chief Steward to find out how this event is sanctioned, and if it will be possible to get him signed off for the Sunday Regional.

As for entry, there is no barrier to allowing that person to enter and pay for the Regional event. Worst case, he doesn't get a signoff and he'll get a refund (from both you and SCCA, I presume). Lack of signoff is always a risk and should be kept in mind regardless, even with two schools; I've had to withold signoff to a couple of students in the past for just not "getting it" the second time. Third time was a charm, though.

However, as a personal opinion, that event is listed as a "Double" school. I suggest that this one *may* be sanctioned as two separate events (although I personally prefer to see new folks attend two separate and distinct school weekends to help with the attitude adjustment in between. It makes me nervous to think that someone with no experience on Thursday could be going door-to-door with me on Sunday. Instructors, please do a super job!!!)
Andy -
You may be right since it is shown as a "Double School" in NER schedule as apposed to a "Drivers School' for the other ones in the schedule. Like Greg said, your best bet is to contact the Chief Instructor to clarify.

[This message has been edited by rbt510 (edited January 16, 2004).]
A number of Regions in NEDiv have scheduled 'double schools' in 2004. The intent of those Regions is to have it count as two schools, with two sanction numbers. It caused quite a bit of pro/con discussion at the Divisional Mini-Con in November.

I'd be curious to know whether one or both of the 'double schools' meet the track time requirements listed in the GCR.

Students showing up at schools these days are much more likely to have already experienced some of the 'race track environment' than they did 15-20 years ago (thanks to HPDE's and such), but my paint and bodywork in nervous about '1-weekend wonders'...almost as much as I am terrified about those new drivers with Skippy Skool licenses who, experience has taught me, are frightening.
april nhis is a double school or actually two one day schools, one friday and one saturday. they are each designed to meet the gcr time requirments. drivers can enter the sunday race ahead of time and withdraw with no penelty if they can not race. also ner waives late fees for drivers that are signed off at the school who want to race the next day.