ARRC Update


New member
I spoke with Anthony Serra said he qualified 6th and Ray Lee qualified 14 I think. Jake Gulick qualified 4 in IT7, Blehten 4 in ITB, and Nick Leverone 8th in ITS. That's it for now thought people might be interested. I'm doing this from recall hope I got all right.
Tim Klvana
ITC #11
Tim -
Pretty good for NER. Did you hear anything about Jeff Leone (did he make the trip?) or any other ITC cars?


[This message has been edited by rbt510 (edited November 07, 2003).]
Originally posted by rbt510:
Tim -
Pretty good for NER. Did you hear anything about Jeff Leone (did he make the trip?) or any other ITC cars?


[This message has been edited by rbt510 (edited November 07, 2003).]

Hey Bob - How's things? Asked about Jeff - MIA. I know he was registered and was planning to go. I shot him an e-mail last week to get is cell number but no reply. Hope all is okay. No report on ITC. I counted 19 registered at least a few 510's. Anthony only mentioned that here were many "C" cars, no other info, he said he had a full plate.
Nick reports 5 BMW's and 2 Z-cars in front of him. He is about 2.5 seconds off pole.

Not bad for his first trip to RA!


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region
Originally posted by ITSRX7:
Nick reports 5 BMW's and 2 Z-cars in front of him. He is about 2.5 seconds off pole.

Not bad for his first trip to RA!


I'm hearing that the track is tough and fast. Back straight is over 5300 feet long. I should talk to Anthony today and will try to post what I hear correctly.
Tim Klvana
ITC #11
from the arrc website:

Due to new Timing & Scoring software we will not be able to post complete results in the timely manner everyone has been used to the last few years. Final results will be posted later in the evening or the following morning.

what's up with that?

[This message has been edited by 16v (edited November 08, 2003).]
Tim and Doug
Thanks for the update. I guess we will have to wait until they post something on the ARRC site.
I thought Jeff said he was going, but it is a big effort as you know.

Maybe next year......

Guys - Just spoke with Alan Lorenco in Atlanta... Serra finished second in ITA, was leading but got bumped on the last lap!!
Nick finsihed 6th in ITS and Blethan was fourth in ITB !!!
Originally posted by rbt510:
Guys - Just spoke with Alan Lorenco in Atlanta... Serra finished second in ITA, was leading but got bumped on the last lap!!
Nick finsihed 6th in ITS and Blethan was fourth in ITB !!!

Note worthy of Anthony Serra he broke the track record. Heard he was leading after 4 laps, got bumped with two to go got four off and Tom Fowler OPM Motorsports took the lead.
Blethan was bumped up to 3rd after the tear down, Jake Gulick broke and so did Ray Lee Wendell Holmes finised 12th. Don't want to take to much of their thunder so i will let them tell the rest of the story. Sounds like all cars made it throught the teardown in Tech. Bob - heard the CRX's took at least the first two top spots in the ITC race.
Tim Klvana
ITC #11

[This message has been edited by Tkczecheredflag (edited November 08, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Tkczecheredflag (edited November 08, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Tkczecheredflag (edited November 08, 2003).]
Originally posted by Tkczecheredflag:
Noteworthy of Anthony Serra he broke the track record. Heard he was leading after 4 laps, got bumped with two to go got four off and Tom Fowler OPM Motorsports took the lead.
Blethan was bumped up to 3rd after the tear down, Jake Gulick broke and so did Ray Lee. Wendell Holmes finised 12th. Don't want to take to much of their thunder so I will let them tell the rest of the story. Sounds like all cars made it through the teardown in Tech. Bob - heard the CRX's/Honda Civic took at least the first three spots in the ITC race.
Tim Klvana
ITC #11

[This message has been edited by Tkczecheredflag (edited November 08, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Tkczecheredflag (edited November 08, 2003).]

[This message has been edited by Tkczecheredflag (edited November 08, 2003).]
Hello y'all!!!! Just got back from Georgia

Brief summary, I will let the drivers type the details (they did have the best seat in the house)

ITA-Serra finished second, set track record..something happened on last lap Turn 12 which cost him the win..he can give details

ITB (MY PEOPLE!!!) Blethen finshed 4th, moved to third after second was DQ'd. Derek from Canada and another Golf (possibly Travis?) got the REAL short end of the stick when they were lapping a slow ITC car (fifth race ever for this guy)...the ITC car got in the way, causing Derek and the other golf to crash hard into the wall on the front straight, very frustrating to watch, both drivers perfectly ok.

ITS- Nick finished in fifth...he can post the details of his race. I give a lot of credit to Greg Amy and crew...blew a hole in the motor the size of a baseball on Thurs...swapped engines and were ready for Friday.

Overall, the NER crew scored:

Track record (Serra)
2nd Place (Serra)
3rd Place (Blethen)
5th Place (Leverone)
1st IT2 (Amy)

And NO ONE had been to the track before...can't wait for next year!!! Had a great time with those who were there!

Now I may have confused everyone....the ITA track record from the ARRC site is 1:43.757 and Anthony clicked off a 1:43.915...I may have been misinformed at the track.

Anthony, let us know any information you know of.
Hey guys I didn't get the record but I was close, it was a great race for me ,lots of lead changes,I was in the lead a few times and got shuffled back to fourth and back to first and then second and third and back to first I was getting pretty dizzy over it, but with one or two to go I got tapped in the right rear corner in a crucial section of the track in turn six/seven which leads to the back straight which allowed Tom Fowler to slip by from I think third it was very tight racing with four cars that had a legit shot for the win, I think if one of us four lost it we all would have bit the dust and taken each other out. Great racing though and I will be back next year this time I will have more track time there. The people from Atlanta region were very nice and the Track was the most awesome place to race at period!

Anthony Serra ITA 99
Originally posted by itbgti:
...the ITC car got in the way, causing Derek and the other golf to crash hard into the wall on the front straight, very frustrating to watch, both drivers perfectly ok.''

Alan - now what do you mean by "got in the way" ?? I think there is something about the overtaking driver in GRC you should read...
I suppose that what you said about your incident at NHIS.


P.S. Call me about the lift

just to clarify the incident...

The GCR might mean one thing, but their is also another thing that I would consider "Smart Driving" and a "gentlemans (gentlewomans) agreement."

If the 3rd through 9th cars are coming and lapping you and you are not in contention with any other cars and you are so slow that you are being passed on all sides by 7 cars you should slow down and get out of the way so that you don't ruin their race and or cause an accident.

No the ITC car did not cause the accident and both the ITB VW's could have avoided the accident (maybe) but I do feel the ITC car was in the wrong (or should have been thw one who avoided the incident). I told him after the race that he should have backed off a little sooner going into the turn as 3 cars wide don't fit in turn 1 at Road Atlanta and clearly he was not a contender as he was probably a good 10 seconds a lap slower. I don't think anyone was mad at anyone else as it was a "just racing incident" or an accident (nothing intentional by anyone) but it is one incident that deffinatly could have been avoided. The end result was unfortunate as two very well prepaired cars were destroyed.

Anyway great race and I am working on our "Story" as it was a long long but successful weekend for the RST crew!!!

Whatever happened with Alan not sure, and if he was wrong then 2 wrongs don't make a right!!!

IE: don't support the ITC car out of spite for Alan

RST Performance Racing
1st and 2nd 2003 ITB NARRC Championship
1st 2003 ITB NERRC Championship
3rd place ARRC sprint race
4th place ARRC enduro
I just want to thank Anthony Serra, and the rest of the NE crowd, for coming down! That was the most fun race I've been in to date. It couldn't have gotten any closer and it basically came down to whoever was leading at the end of the 20th lap. Again impressive job Anthony on your first weekend at the track. Can't wait to do it again.

#2 ita