Express Registration at Lime Rock

Tom Blaney

New member
Ok kids, there are a gagillion entries for this weekend. Try and take a minute and get your paperwork as prepared as your car.

Don't come to registraton without your cards, or decide while your next in line to check to see if you have everything.

If you have to make changes get prepared.

Step up to the window, greet the person (in 25 words or less), sign the forms, stick out your arm for the wrist band, get your forms and get out of the way.

You can put your wallet, your GCR and other un-necessary forms back in your briefcase on your way back to your tow vehicle.....
Tom, bring two pairs of underwear,one for quali, and one for the race.

Anthony Serra ITA 99
Originally posted by Tkczecheredflag:
What cards? (ID and License?)

That's it. If you did your registration properly all you need is an id and a pen. Less time that it takes for Anthony to complete a lap.

[This message has been edited by Tom Blaney (edited August 06, 2003).]
Tom Good Show.
You can have your Checks made out as well . We know the amount,The name of the club.
And even our name with out checking our badges.

Scott 09
Originally posted by dpc:
would it be nice if a tech guy was there, everything done at once. dave

What a great idea, have a tech guy posted near the registration booth, show him your helmet and get complete approval on the spot, sorta one stop shopping.

I like it, I'm gonna send that one to the powers to be. I sent Terry Roberts a request yesterday am for the Express checkin and he said they would try it again. So let's talk it up and get folks in line to use it as well.

Change is good.
Check out the latest SportsCar and one of the worker profiles is a Registration woman. She impelmented a couple of great ideas and one of them was to have a member of tech on-site to do just that.

Our Region may want to contact her to get the details and avoid the growing pains.


Andy Bettencourt
06 ITS RX-7
FlatOut Motorsports
New England Region
Originally posted by Tom Blaney:

What a great idea, have a tech guy posted near the registration booth, show him your helmet and get complete approval on the spot, sorta one stop shopping.

I like it, I'm gonna send that one to the powers to be. I sent Terry Roberts a request yesterday am for the Express checkin and he said they would try it again. So let's talk it up and get folks in line to use it as well.

Change is good.

DC Region used to do this (have a tech person at registration to stare at your helmet and hand you a sticker) a couple of years ago at Summit Point. Registration and tech were pretty fast there even with 200+ car fields.
Originally posted by R RACER:
Tim, how are you feeling? are you gonna run this weekend?

Anthony - Yesterday was first day of 5 without a high 104 fever. Haven't had time to work on the car but hope to be there regardless.
Tim Klvana
ITC #11
While we're on pet peeves...

We had - what - over 200 entries at LRP this past weekend? Quite a full paddock. The potential paddock parking problem was such that NNJR region actually printed and distributed a leaflet requesting competitors to be considerate of the space they were using. It was virtually totally ignored.

I personally moved my open trailer up to the infield to make room for others in the paddock. As I disconnected and left my trailer there in the infield I noticed a total of three - that's one, two, THREE - other trailers up there parked for the weekend. That means that over 200 other entrants either didn't use a trailer (unlikely) or chose to use their trailer as a way to needlessly take up space. A total of four competitors thought enough of the people around them to move their trailer out of the way and make room.

As I walked the paddock I was shocked and ashamed at the number of entrants that chose to leave their open deck trailers in the paddock. I personally had to park in mud while many of my peers were sitting there drinking beer on their open deck trailers or even setting up HUGE tents to cover their one car.

Even more embarrasing are the folks that have the enclosed trailers and decide they're important enough to park SIDEWAYS across three potential spots, then set up their tents and place out ribbons to block off the space so no one else can use it, and then sit there on their butts watching others look for places to park.

I had one thought when I saw that: you ***hole.

Folks, I saw many people looking for a place to paddock, and your selfish actions were wholely unhelpful. On race weekends such as this, when we have over 200 entries, you owe it to the people around you to take up exactly enough space for the number of cars you have, and no more. You are not so important that you should spread out to absorb as much space as your trailer, tow truck, wife's car, daughter's car, tent, and oh yeah your race car can accomodate.

You know who you are. You should be ashamed of yourself. You probably aren't.


I hope that when people walk past our pit spot (the 2 ITB Audi's and AS Mustang) they don't feel as though we take up top much room... Yes it looks like we do cause we generally have 3 cars next to each other but, all in all we take up less room than if their was 3 individual pit spots. I hope that we were not one of the people that upset you...

Oh and buy the way the three trailers you saw...

1 Stephen Blethen (tows 1 ITB Audi)
2 Raymond Blethen (tows 1 ITB Audi)
3 Ray Blethen (Tows 1 AS Mustang)

We would have left the trucks up their as well, unfortunatly we had about 10 people that had stuf packed into them, not to mention spares for 3 cars... oh and we didn't do the sticker swap thing either, as we left crew cars parked up on the hill.

Raymond "Anyone want to GIVE US" a three car trailer?" Blethen
RST Performance Racing
OK Kids, now that NNJR accomidated our request for an express checkin lane, how about sending them some feedback on how it went. If they don't know or don't get any feedback they won't be willing to try more new things (like express tech?)

I for one was very satisfied. I looked around the other side of the building to see the 45 minute mosquito infested line, and was gratefull for the 3 minute wait and the 1 minute execution time.

Please let your regional rep's know what you think, not just NNJR.
Oh no I made the line long! At registration thurs night! I am on (was) my 2nd race in my novice permit-handed it in (just like my 1st race) The registrar hands it back to me and informs me I have completed my requirements I need to send it in for my regional license. I questioned this because it clearly states you need "2" races in order to send in my book! He offers NO explination and hands me my book and tells me to send it in and I am all set for the weekend! So rather then stand there and make the line even looooonger I moved along! I figured I had read the instructions wrong. Did not think much of this till the ride home from the track-re read the book and it clearly states you need 2 races and a signature on the last page-am I missing something? I did get a 1 day sign off at school-can this also work for your novice permit?
Race on your novice permit for the rest of the season... get your licence when you renew your membership... Save yourself some $$$!!!
