ARMS Double on Aug 16/17


New member
Atlantic Region Motorsports' double event on Aug 16/17. Nova Scotia. 1 day drive from New England.

1 - 4 hour practice session
2 - 20 min. practice/qualifying sessions
6 - 15 lap races
2 - 1 hour endurances
party Sat night
camping $10 for the entire weekend

open to all SCCA IT & GT cars. Come on you guys/gals, come on up and get some fun seat time.
No response eh? Probably too far a tow for most folks. Derek & Colin's 18 hour tow to the ARRC probably has most folks beat.
Anyone holding a regional SCCA license is OK. The cost is only $240us. Tons of seat time. Rules are SCCA GCR. Race car classes are ITS ITA ITB ITC GT1-5. If you don't have an annual tech, the car will get tech'd at the track. Come on up, and get lots of racing!

This track is club owned and operated thus we dictate how many races we run in each day. ie: if you own a IT car, you could race in 4 races/day including the enduro. Then do it all over again on Sunday.

[This message has been edited by racer-025 (edited August 12, 2003).]