So is AWD legal?


New member
There was a thread a while back talking about new cars that were to be made legal to run in IT. I am thinking of runing a Impreza 2.2L in ITB if it is truly legal. Did this amendment pass, do I still have to check with my region?

Seth E.
I don't recall seeing any notice listed in FasTrack (rules bulletin) that any AWD cars had been approved for IT - or was there? There is not - to my knowledge - any specific prohibition in the rules but I've never heard of one being listed.

I guess that I'm not much help. Try going to, search on "fastrack," and then search the bulletins for "Subaru" and "Audi."

NO AWD cars are classified, and IMO the cars if classified would be classed incorrctly do to the fear of AWD. (Mo Offence darin and others)

Unfortunatly Audi has just done to good a job at the pro level everytime they do anything

Raymond "Audi Lover" Blethen

PS: This shouldn't stop you from putting in a request. YOu never know till you try!!! I probably will if I can ever get all the info for the VTS (?) form :-P
Where do I start with the request? I am not a SCCA member, nor a race license holder. I plan on getting into actual racing after I graduate next year when money and time are less of a factor. Until then, more track days, and driving schools. :-)

Seth E.
You do have to be a member to make a classification request. Go to the SCCA site, find your local region, get joined up, and buy a copy of the GCR (road racing class rules). There's another strand hereabouts that describes much of what you have to do to get a classification considered.


I'd be really interested in doing (long term project here) an early 90's Audi 90 Quattro, so if I can be of any help in your classification request, please contact me off the forum.

1985 VW GTi
I'll have to check my ITCS to see the exact wording, but four wheel drive has been prohibited for as long as I can remember (in the same line that disallows station wagons). You could argue that AWD isn't the same as 4WD, but I won't buy it.


"No vehicle with an automatic transmission shall compete in the Improved Touring Category. Station Wagons are prohibited."

I can't find anything referencing AWD or 4WD...

85 VW Golf
Grafton--You are correct 4WD = AWD.

I think the marketeers (for Subaru and maybe Audi) always wanted to disassociate their new fangled 4wd vehicles from moster pick-ups, so they coined the expression "all wheel drive" many moons ago.

Big deal. If a car has four wheels and all are connected to power drive it is 4WD.

The GCR 11.2.1 (Y) says the same thing.

Ah yes,thank you joeg, there it is in black and white:
"Four wheel (All-Wheel) drive is prohibited except in Showroom Stock and Touring."

Apparently the "...except in Showroom Stock and Touring." is a recent change (it is marked as such in my 2004 GCR)

"Grafton--You are correct 4WD = AWD."

That is a generalization, and not 100% correct. AWD has the ability to move the power from wheel to wheel, where 4WD does not have the ability. The AWD in a subaru uses a series of three viscous differientials to move the power between the wheels and allows a difference in speed between the wheels. This is why AWD can be driven on dry roads without destroying itself. Despite what the marketing says, AWD does not "send power from the wheels that slip to the wheels that grip." On many subaru's that have open front and rear differientials, the opposite tends to occure.

Seth E.
Seth--I have nothing against Subaru or Audis or Mitsus, etc.

Their "AWD" versions are simply not allowed in IT and our rules treat AWD and 4WD as one and the same thing.

Since they just started allowing AWD in SS and T1, I'll bet the CB will consider allowing them in IT as well. I think they should also allow station wagons too.
Thanks for clarifying that. BTW, Jeep has trademarked "4wd" in the US, I believe - resulting in the proliferation of other designations.

True/False? A 4WD vehicle is normaly 2WD (rear generally) that you can put into 4WD or AWD.

Also isn't 4WD considered when the wheels all must turn (Locked hubs) and AWD is not locked??? Their is a huge difference in the older Audi's with the diff lock is on vs. when it is off in the normal AWD mode.

Raymond "think a quaife would help in an AWD 4000" Blethen
Once I get my NER SCCA membership, who do I contact within the NER? How likely is it that I could get the car classified? I just want to know whether or not I should start down the path of turning this car into a IT racer.

Seth E.
You need to contact the Competition Board and make a request. You can actually do it right now - heck you can even just email them. The email addy should be on

Problem is that it will probably take at about 6 months for them to respond.

I would put the chances of approval at about 20%

Where are you located. Most other racing orgs are much more liberal. EMRA and NASA would almost definately class you.
Oh and BTW - if they do class it, it would probably be classed as an ITS car - maybe an ITA car if you were lucky. There is isn't a chance in heck they'd class the 2.2L in ITB.