ITE Wheelsizes


New member
I'm considering building a 944 turbo to race in PCA class F and SCCA ITE. The GCR doesn't specifically cover ITE, but it is implied that IT rules govern the ITE class. My question is that the IT rules specify no tire width greater than 7". The stock rims on the car are greater than 7". Can I not run the factory size wheels in ITE? Do I have to run narrower rims?

Originally posted by alexands:
I'm considering building a 944 turbo to race in PCA class F and SCCA ITE. The GCR doesn't specifically cover ITE, but it is implied that IT rules govern the ITE class. My question is that the IT rules specify no tire width greater than 7". The stock rims on the car are greater than 7". Can I not run the factory size wheels in ITE? Do I have to run narrower rims?


Scott, you'll have to contact your local region. They are all different when it comes to ITE. It would seem to me that you could run any size wheel in ITE, but your region would have the last word.

George Roffe
Houston, TX
84 944 ITS car under construction
92 ITS Sentra SE-R occasionally borrowed
I agree, check with your local region. In the northeast ITE rules require that a car meet the specs of another sanctioning body. It can be a professional or club series such as PCA, BMWCCA, or other marques. The answer to your question may likely be, what wheel sizes are allowed PCA class F?

I am planning to run a Volvo 740 turbo in ITE next year. There are only two rules for this class in the NW region. You must use a tub chassis and you must run DOT legal tires. Yee Ha! No complaining about parity here, it is a catch all class like radial sedan was.
It's all about being fast, and they better be fast.

Peter Linssen
ITB Opel Manta
Pacific NW Region
It may not.

As I heard the story, Scottie White beat a bunch of them with his WCGT 'vette and got protested for a number of things (a) that the NWR ITE rules don't prohibit but were "outside of the general guidelines of IT" or some such, and (B) that a number of the protestors had on their cars - like cage tubes running through the firewall(s).

What was the outcome of the protest?

Originally posted by Knestis:
It may not.

As I heard the story, Scottie White beat a bunch of them with his WCGT 'vette and got protested for a number of things (a) that the NWR ITE rules don't prohibit but were "outside of the general guidelines of IT" or some such, and (B) that a number of the protestors had on their cars - like cage tubes running through the firewall(s).

Sorry - should have been more precise. He got tossed and there were a number of folks who felt like it was motivated by the fact that PCA has big numbers and heavy hitters in the average NW regional entry.


I have a buddy up there who just sent me a copy of NW's brand new ITE rules....they are getting MUCH MORE picky than SF regions "tub car/DOT tire" should check with the region and ITE competitors up there....
